Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held in the Vestry, St. John’s Church, Stanwick on Monday 11th March 2024.


Present:         Cllr. B. Ramsay, Chairman

                        Cllr M. Asquith

                        Cllr. T. Haggie

                        Cllr. A. Wells


1.    Apologies for Absence


Apologies received from - Cllr. P. Owen.

                                                     Cllr. A. Thompson


2.    Declaration of Interest


The Parish Councillors declared that at this point of the meeting, the agenda did not show any requirement for declaration of interest.


3.    Minutes of the Last Meeting


The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising


Reinstatement of the Blue restricted byway sign at the Aldbrough St John end of the Stanwick Track and the other public footpath signs remains outstanding. Latest promise from PROW is for work to be completed by end of March 2024.

The collapsed stone wall near the entrance to Carlton Grange Farm is still only        partially repaired.  Cllr. Wells reported that the opposite side road edge and verge are now severely damaged as a result of traffic being forced over.  Also the fence between Carlton Grange and Carlton Green is broken in a number of places and both fence and barbed wire have fallen to the ground and become covered by grass.  The concealed fence and barbed wire poses a potential risk to pedestrians, cyclists and car users should they move in to the verge to accommodate other road users or for any other reason.

 Reports from other local authorities


Cllr. Thompson informed the meeting that there is no report available at present. The next one will be circulated in April.


5.    Financial Report


          The Financial Summary was presented to the meeting, approved by Councillors and    

          signed by the Chairman.  

          The Summary details proposed 2024/25 budget expenditure, based on a

          precept of £1650.00.  Any other expenditure in excess of this will therefore have to

          be supported by grants from other bodies.

          Monitoring Form required by NYC in respect of Cllr. Angus Thompson’s Locality Grant

          has been submitted and declared satisfactory.  .     


6.    Planning Matters


There was one planning application to consider this period.


(a)  The Clock House, Stanwick – Revised planning application for renovation of exterior and remodelling of interior to form single dwelling.

At this stage Councillors had no comment to make on the application but expressed concern that any damage to the private Clock House Road caused by construction traffic should be made good.  Cllr. Ramsay to submit a formal response.                          


7.    Correspondence


(a)  Letter from North Yorkshire Highways advising of 19 day road closure B6274 West Lane to Forcett for Retaining Wall Repair Works.


(b)  E-mail from Nicki Lishman, NYC Senior Corporate Governance Officer which gave notice that they are withdrawing their website service next year In respect of the Governments Transparency Code.  The Clerk was instructed to follow up the various options offered and report at the next meeting.



.         9Any Other Business


              Quickline 5g Superfast broadband service to Stanwick is now up and running –

              but initial take up has revealed many properties will not be able to access the signal

              Quickline to be contacted for clarification and possible remedial action.    

              Work to replace Electricity/Telephone poles along the Bothy path has stopped

              mid programme. Clerk was instructed to contact Northern Electric/ Openreach in             

             order to expedite.

              Proposal to include refurbishment of the traditional sign post at the Vicarage Corner

              in our next Locality Grant application was agreed by Councillors.


             The meeting was declared closed at 8.45 p.m.


Date and time of next meeting. (AGM followed by Ordinary Meeting)


Monday 13th May 2024 @ 6.30 p.m. (To be confirmed)




Signed as a correct record ___________________ (Chairman) Date _________________